数据库名称/Database name:Emerald全文期刊库(管理学、工程学)/ Emerald full-text eJournal Database (Management and Engineering) 访问网址/Access website:www.emerald.com/insight/ 访问方式/Access mode:专线访问,不需要支付在线流量费用/Dedicated line access, no need to pay for online traffic fees 资源介绍/Resources Introduction: 1. Emerald管理学全文期刊库(2000年-至今)/Emerald Management eJournal Database (2000-Present) 包含283种专家评审的管理学术期刊,提供最新的管理学研究成果和学术思想。学科覆盖/It Includes 283 peer-reviewed journals, providing front-list research results and academic insights in management. Subject coverage:
会计金融与经济学 Accounting, Finance and Economics |
商业管理与战略 Business Management and Strategy |
公共政策与环境管理 Public Policy and Environmental Management |
市场营销 Marketing |
信息与知识管理 Information and Knowledge Management |
教育管理 Education Management |
人力资源与组织研究 Human Resources and Organizational Research |
图书馆研究 Library research |
旅游管理 Tourism Management |
运营物流与质量管理 Operational Logistics and Quality Management |
房地产管理与建筑环境 Real Estate Management and Built Environment |
健康与社会关怀 Health and Social Care |
其中包含知名期刊,如/It includes well-known journals such as: European Journal of Marketing《欧洲营销杂志》 Management Decision《管理决策》 The TQM Management 《全面质量管理》 Supply Chain Management: An International Journal《供应链管理》 Personnel Review《人事评论》 2. Emerald工程学全文期刊库(2000年-至今)/Emerald Engineering eJournal Database (2000 -Present) 收录26种高品质的同行评审工程学期刊,几乎全被SCI、EI收录,拥有广泛的中国读者和作者群。学科涵盖/It includes 26 high-quality peer-reviewed engineering journals, almost all of which are indexed by SCI and EI, and has a wide readership and author base in China. Disciplines covered:
材料科学与工程 Materials Science and Engineering |
计算机工程计算 Computer Engineering |
先进自动化 Advanced Automation |
电子制造与封装 Electronic Manufacturing and Packaging |
机械工程 Mechanical Engineering |
航空航天工程 Aerospace Engineering |
3. Emerald全文期刊回溯库(第一期第一卷至2000年)/Emerald eJournal Archive Database (Volume 1 of Issue 1 to 2000) 包含近180种全文期刊,超过11万篇的全文内容,涉及会计、金融与法律、人力资源、管理科学与政策、图书馆情报学、工程学等领域。所有期刊均回溯至第一期第一卷,最早可以回溯到 1898年/It contains nearly 180 full-text journals and over 110000 full-text articles, covering fields such as accounting, finance and law, human resources, management science and policy, library and information science, and engineering. All journals can be traced back to the first volume of the first issue, with the earliest dating back to 1898. • PDF和HTML两种下载格式/There are two download formats: PDF and HTML. • 针对订阅机构的教师和学生的无限制访问/Unrestricted access for faculty and students of institutional subscribers. • 如有过量下载行为,出版社可随时终止机构的试用/If there is excessive downloading behavior, the publisher may terminate the institution's trial at any time. 平台使用及论文发表指南(视频链接)/Platform usage and Publishing Guides (Video url): • Emerald出版社资源介绍及平台使用 • Emerald出版社英文学术论文写作 • Emerald出版社国际期刊投稿 服务支持/ Service & Support: ◆Emerald中文门户网站:https://www.emeraldinsight.com.cn/,提供用户服务、学术出版、最新活动与项目信息/Emerald Chinese website: https://www.emeraldinsight.com.cn/Provide user service, academic publishing, latest event and project information. ◆国际期刊投稿编辑服务联系pub3@emeraldinsight.com.cn/ For international journal submission and editing service, please contact pub3@emeraldinsight.com.cn 出版社简介/ About Publisher: Emerald于1967年由来自世界著名百强商学院之一的布拉德福商学院(Bradford University Management Center)的学者建立。从出版唯一一本期刊开始,到至今成为世界管理学期刊最大的出版社之一,Emerald一直致力于管理学、图书馆学、工程学专家评审期刊,以及人文社会科学图书的出版/Emerald was established in 1967 by scholars from Bradford University Management Center, one of the world's top 100 business schools. Starting from publishing the only-one journal to becoming one of the largest publishers of management journals in the world, Emerald has been committed to publishing peer-reviewed journals in management, library science and engineering, as well as books in humanities and social science. 拥有来自100%世界百强商学院的作者及用户,100%世界200强综合性大学的作者及用户,以及近60%的世界500强企业用户/We have authors and users from 100% of the world's top 100 business schools, 100% of the world's top 200 comprehensive universities, and nearly 60% of the world's top 500 enterprise users. 关注Emerald微信,了解更多信息/Follow Emerald WeChat to learn more: 搜索公众号:Emerald_China或扫描右边二维码/Search the official account: Emerald_China or scan the QR code on the right |